Exhibition at #Aksioma,
Installation, #2019
Hyperemployment, curated by //#·Domenico_Quaranta
“Labour – one of the defining aspects of our capitalistic societies – is also one of the sides of contemporary life that has been more affected by technological innovations and by the advent of post-Fordism. Although increasing automation has actually caused many forms of human labour to disappear, it has not – as many thinkers have predicted – brought an end to labour. Instead, it has led to – together with other innovations, such as the rise of device culture and social networks – its fragmentation into plenty of micro labours and its infiltration into every moment of life.
Thématique, développement (article)
https://networkcultures.org/entreprecariat/shouldnt-you-be-working/ <3
Slow up your computer #hack
Gagner du temps ( sketch Jerry Seinfeld ) #fun
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Shouldn’t you be working? — Silvio Lorusso
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