1 Any Browser ( #www #navigateur_browser )
2 Tor Browser ( #dn_tor_onion #.onion )
3 Beaker Browser ( #dn_dat )
1 =
2 = http://bn2lik7torbun6z2.onion
3 = hyper://a81117c7c60d9df7602ad62b265c6f7f034b40b17abbbcd7ab55dbb701fd2e7e/
@Olia_Lialina, #2018
UPDATE #2023
- exposition, supports audio, visite en 3D... #@Espace_Mediagantner
une présence sur d'autres réseaux, par d'autres protocoles
H3K (Basel) lui attribue un prix ...
"Winner of the net based award #2018 : #@Olia_Lialina, "Self-Portrait"
With Self-Portrait, Olia Lialina continues her series of “networked” portraits, which explores the relationship between the work and its technological context, highlighting the ever-changing network conditions and our position within this one. After having played with variations in speed of transmission on the web (Summer, #2013 ) and having questioned the consequences of an abandonment of net neutrality (Best Effort Network, #2015 ), Olia Lialina invites us with her latest work to think of the web in its various dimensions, beyond its best-known public face. To contemplate this self-portrait, not less than three web browsers are required: a classic browser ( #firefox , Chrome, Safari, etc.), an anonymised and secure browser (Tor) and a “peer-to-peer” browser (Beaker).
By juxtaposing these three windows open onto different parts of the network, we can recompose the fragmented face of the artist whose hair is blowing in the wind with ever so slight discrep-ancies in the movement"
Olia_Lialina #2020
Network performance for a swimmer, 5 clouds, 70 free hosting services, and 7000 buckets. Commissioned by Arebyte Gallery, London
Son site :
the most fragile GIF on the WWW
( #2013 - )
( Running )
( - )
( glitch, plateforme de dev.coding collaboratif #cours #collectif )