Espace web infini #Hotglue
#alternativeto : #EtherPad (,;
"Your World of Text is an infinite grid of text editable by any visitor. The changes made by other people appear on your screen as they happen. Everyone starts in the same place, but you can scroll through the world using your mouse." ( #projet_perso ) ( Recherche, litterature 2.0 )
"For the moment, I’d like to point out one of its most drastic effects: infinite scroll erodes the conceptual model of web as space to travel, because it “teleports” content into one single space. By displacing information, it eradicates the abstraction of space itself. The infinite scroll is part of a trajectory, which includes, looking backward in time, the RSS feed, and looking forward, the stories and the playlist (I’ll expand on this later)."
Automation #tinder