Ce ne sont pas les livres grand public, essais, fantaisies, techno-fantasmes qui manquent sur les darknets!
. J'ai lu (sur papier)
Darknet, GAFA, Bitcoin de Laurent Gayard, #2018 ebook
.. également
This Machine Kills Secrets: How Wikileakers, Cypherpunks, and Hacktivists Aim to Free the World’s Information de Andy Greenberg, #2018 ebook
(..) je cherche le titre d'un autre livre sur les crypto dont l'auteur avait inspiré mon début de recherche (je travaillais à l'époque sur l'oeuvre de #@Nicolas_Maigret
.. : Obfuscation, Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum https://we-make-money-not-art.com/obfuscation-a-users-guide-for-privacy-and-protest/ #2015 ebook
(.. trouvé !) Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency de Finn Brunton, #2019 ebook
Par #@Finn_Brunton
ed. The MIT Press, #2013
"What spam is, how it works, and how it has shaped online communities and the Internet itself.
The vast majority of all email sent every day is spam, a variety of idiosyncratically spelled requests to provide account information, invitations to spend money on dubious products, and pleas to send cash overseas. Most of it is caught by filters before ever reaching an in-box. Where does it come from? As #@Finn_Brunton explains in Spam, it is produced and shaped by many different populations around the world: programmers, con artists, bots and their botmasters, pharmaceutical merchants, marketers, identity thieves, crooked bankers and their victims, cops, lawyers, network security professionals, vigilantes, and hackers. Every time we go online, we participate in the system of spam, with choices, refusals, and purchases the consequences of which we may not understand."
"Obfuscation. A User’s Guide for Privacy and Protest, by Assistant Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University #@Finn_Brunton and Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication and Computer Science at NYU and developer of TrackMeNot Helen Nissenbaum."
cite Spartacus : ou la stratégie du bruit comme anonymat