via : @CSNI
{ today 2021 }
" The project Critical Tracing and The Post-Photographic Image explores how images move across infrastructures. In this context, we propose a two-days workshop to approach the digital image as a transactional device that we can use to trace the infrastructure through which it circulates. "
" In 20th century photographic history and criticism the notion of trace has consistently been associated with the medium's mechanical reproducibility and its indexical relationship to reality. Yet, with the ubiquitous adoption of digital technology, photography has moved away from the singularity of the analogue medium towards a networked technology with a computational structure. Hence the question arises: How can the concept of trace and the act of tracing be reframed to account for images' algorithmic structure and their circulatory patterns amongst different contexts of reception? "
" What are the aesthetic and political implications of foregrounding such notions when rethinking parameters of production, dissemination and interpretation of networked images ? "
" Once images ceased to be perceived primarily as visual surfaces but as a vectors of relations, the notion of infrastructure gains importance, as an essential concept for framing image practices as inseparable from their materiality. Our objective is to study how infrastructure permeates our concepts and ideas about the post-photographic image. We believe that infrastructure cannot be taken for granted and tracing requires different strategies according to the materialities through which images circulate under different geopolitical and socio-technical conditions. "
Via Telegram
@Nestor_Siré in the audiance-intervenant #<3
@Anaïs_Bloch ( réparation_maintenance périphériques_devices hack )
" By the mid- 2000 s, cell phones, computers and DVD players could be bought on the black market and many families acquired them. So, with the absence of the Internet, businesses like my grandfather's started renting audio-visual materials for home-entertainment. "
" Can you explain what El Paquete Semanal is? "
"My grandfather creating copies of films on VHS cassettes with two video cassettes"
Expo :
- ( posts - items - iterations )
( #.dead )
- (FR) + Exposition
- --> 2017
- (packetos documetaire de NS)
Bulle in the past :
- On le retrouve dans le Cinéma Pirate Book :
@Vox reportage
In Cuba there is barely any internet. Anything but the state-run TV channels is prohibited. Publications are limited to the state-approved newspapers and magazines. This is the law. But, in typical Cuban fashion, the law doesn't stop a vast underground system of entertainment and news media distributors and consumers.
- On le retrouve dans le Cinéma Pirate Book :