[SOURCE] https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/088464-000-A/tresors-sous-cle-le-systeme-des-ports-francs/
[ DEAD / not-free ] (mais j'ai peut-être une copie)
Fiche de lecture-recherche en cours todo
La valorisation des oeuvres d'art devient abstraite, sans limite dès qu'il y a spéculation. Cet aspect en fait un très bon placement pour qui veut sortir son argent des réseaux de répartition sociaux-politiques...
Des personnes fortunées mettent en place des moyens d'échapper à des contrôles financiers / impôts. Des "Ports-Francs" servent à dissimuler ces oeuvres dans des bunkers spécialisés. Par ces montages opaques, les oeuvres disparaissent. C'est l'irrigularisation du marché de l'art qui permet de telles activités. Le documentaire interroge ses dérives sans parvenir à aller au coeur du problème.
Parlant d'art et de technologies libertariennes d'obscurssicement, comme avec les paradis fiscaux, j'ai pensé à mon sujet de recherche, les darknets et autres proxy de proxy qui, de noeud en noeud font perdre l'origine d'une transaction entre deux paires : ici des achteurs fortunés.
Trouvez la documentation des commandes... linux cheatsheet
- https://cheat.sh/ls
curl cheat.sh/ls
( ls = lister dossiers )
Linux commandes (et tuto, tldr)
Des alternativeto :
Not installed / cant run linux
"Ou Création d’un lecteur et exécuteur de QR Codes pour se faire un assistant personnel Le principe est de réaliser une sorte d’assistant personnel mais sans le recours à un assistant personnel vocal afin de ne pas être écouté en Continuer la lecture Utiliser un Raspberry Pi pour exécuter des taches de manière semi-automatique par QR Codes→"
-- aujourd'hui j'ai mis un place un lecteur de qrcode sur ma raspberrypi en suivant ce tuto
-- But affiché, passer du text plus simplement entre mes périphériques_devices quand ils sont horsligne_offline_invisible
Et vu l'engoument pour les qrcode surveillants, limites d'accès et de droit (d'execution) je me suis dit qu'un tel outil serait utile, surement (à la création ou écriture autour de cet objet de plus en plus commun et banal).
L'occasion aussi pour moi de me confronter à un peu de python et de me rendre compte que ce n'est vraiment pas si compliqué (que ce que j'avais bien voulu imaginer pour me faire peur) 😨
" By the mid- 2000 s, cell phones, computers and DVD players could be bought on the black market and many families acquired them. So, with the absence of the Internet, businesses like my grandfather's started renting audio-visual materials for home-entertainment. "
" Can you explain what El Paquete Semanal is? "
"My grandfather creating copies of films on VHS cassettes with two video cassettes"
Expo :
- https://nestorsire.com/en/obras/ ( posts - items - iterations )
--> https://nestorsire.com/paquete-semanal/
( #.dead https://web.archive.org/web/20210507230129/http://www.nestorsire.com/2018/09/12/commons-la_red-snet-2018/ )
- (FR) https://www.switchonpaper.com/societe/liberte-dexpression/el-paquete-tout-cuba-sur-une-cle-usb/ + Exposition
- --> http://queensmuseum.org/2017/01/julia-weist 2017
- https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=XHvo7hDDPW0
- https://vimeo.com/140535814 (packetos documetaire de NS)
Bulle in the past : https://liens.vincent-bonnefille.fr/?E-jaow
- On le retrouve dans le Cinéma Pirate Book :
"Marco_Deseriis is an Assistant Professor of Media and Screen Studies at Northeastern University. In his introductory talk, the researcher gave us a crash course in “improper names”, defining its mechanisms and listing some of the key figures of the phenomenon.
The journey into pseudonyms shared by collectives, affinity groups, and individual authors kicked off with the iconic I’m Spartacus moment and then looked at the cases of Ned Ludd, Alan Smithee (an official pseudonym used by Hollywood film directors who wish to distance themselves from a movie), Monty Cantsin used by mail artists, the very Italian phenomenon of Luther Blisset and of course 4chan and Anonymous. I’d really recommend you sit down and listen to the amazing stories that emerge from the use and abuse of shared pseudonyms."
vidéo @Aksioma
@Aram_Bartholl 2010
blog :
map :
"I am pleased to preview ‘Dead Drops’ a new project which I started off as part of my ongoing EYEBEAM residency in NYC the last couple weeks. ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. I am ‘injecting’ USB flash drives into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody in public space. You are invited to go to these places (so far 5 in NYC) to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop contains a readme.txt file explaining the project. ‘Dead Drops’ is still in progress, to be continued here and in more cities. Full documentation, movie, map and ‘How to make your own dead drop’ manual coming soon! Stay tuned."
Aram_Bartholl 2015
"A letter is a message written with a pen on a piece of paper (dead tree) which gets delivered in its physical original form[!!] to the recipients physical home address (house in a city i.e.). Wow, pretty cool concept, no?"
Que se passe-t-il quand le mouvement s’arrête ? Que se passe-t-il quand un corps, microbiologique ou humain, végétal ou minéral, animal ou stellaire, se met en travers du flux des choses et nous oblige à la suspension ? Ces questions ont été mises en état d’urgence par la dernière crise sanitaire du Capitalisme Mondial Intégré : la pandémie de Covid-19 et sa conséquence inédite sur les flux d’humains et de marchandises.
Atlas du geste
Voir aussi :
2013 // How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV //
Revue :
In 2008 , the science-fiction movie Sleep Dealer by Alex Rivera envisioned a future which couldn’t be more timely: the border between Mexico und the US has been closed. Therefore, immigrant workers in the US have been replaced by robots. However, these robots are remotely controlled by people in Mexico who have their bodies plugged directly into the network.
Humans As Software Extensions
- Being Universally Addressable and Programmable
- Managing My Extensions
- The Total Freedom of Survival Creativity
- The Future of Work is a Lot of Work
- Seizing the Means of Magic
- Covert Interventions
- An Aesthetic of Detachment
Before the Internet, it would be really difficult to find someone, sit them down for ten minutes and get them to work for you, and then fire them after those ten minutes. But with technology, you can actually find them, pay them the tiny amount of money, and then get rid of them when you don’t need them anymore.
@via http://sebastianschmieg.com/how-to-appear-offline-forever/
online_création :
.dead (not) ->
Nos amiEs répartiEs selon leur chat
quelle distance entre nous ?
quelle exclusion de nos sphères sociales ?
quelle perte-division d'attention ?
quelle décentralité ?
quelle interopérabilité ?
quelle hermétique à ces réseaux_bulles ?
Isolation de bulles numériques
attention divisée
The times we live in have made it necessary to disrupt mainstream social networks. In this talk, Andre will present Scuttlebutt, a decentralized social netwo...
https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/#follow-graph ::
"One implementation, Patchwork, shows messages up to 2 hops out by default. Messages from feeds 3 hops out are replicated to help keep them available for others, but not directly shown in the user interface. A benefit of replicating at a greater range is that for discussion threads with lots of participants it’s more likely that the client will be able to fill in gaps where someone posted who was further than 2 hops out."
Find°me Follow°me projet_perso
maj : https://bulle.vincent-bonnefille.fr (nope, mais des news)
A Broadcast-Only Communication Model - Based on Replicated Append-Only Logs
via :: https://no-internet.net/
doc :: https://ccronline.sigcomm.org/2019/a-broadcast-only-communication-model-based-on-replicated-append-only-logs/
The chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.
Die together in a chatroom on your way to offline peace.
Du même acabit
# Article à ce sujet ( anglais )
We are part of the privileged third of the world’s population that has access to the Internet. Teams at Facebook and Google are working on projects to build swarms of solar powered drones and balloons that would allow more people to connect to the Internet and take part in digital life. How to Appear Offline Forever explores visibility, labour and colonialism in a networked world, taking the endeavours of Internet drones as the starting point for intertwined stories happening in different places. [...]
Commissioned by @Abandon_Normal_Devices
https://www.andfestival.org.uk <3
@Vox reportage
In Cuba there is barely any internet. Anything but the state-run TV channels is prohibited. Publications are limited to the state-approved newspapers and magazines. This is the law. But, in typical Cuban fashion, the law doesn't stop a vast underground system of entertainment and news media distributors and consumers.
- On le retrouve dans le Cinéma Pirate Book :