Curation, Event, Exhibition, with Onomatopee, #2019
/// Now that the prospect of full automation is once again getting traction, the shared hope is to delegate every task to intelligent machines. But as we await the full takeover of smart robots, work is delegated to machines and humans alike. It makes no difference to companies and entrepreneurs: while some machines begin to look #human_like, some humans are disguised as machines, by means of seamless interface design or blatant deception. This is what #Astra_Taylor calls #fauxtomation.
/// Participating Artists & Speakers
Cory Arcangel
Constant Dullaart
Andy Kassier
Alina Lupu
Elisa Giardina Papa
Ottonie von Roeder
Sebastian Schmieg
Stefán Stefánsson
Pilvi Takala
Jeff Thompson
Exhibition at #Aksioma,
Installation, #2019
Hyperemployment, curated by //#·Domenico_Quaranta
“Labour – one of the defining aspects of our capitalistic societies – is also one of the sides of contemporary life that has been more affected by technological innovations and by the advent of post-Fordism. Although increasing automation has actually caused many forms of human labour to disappear, it has not – as many thinkers have predicted – brought an end to labour. Instead, it has led to – together with other innovations, such as the rise of device culture and social networks – its fragmentation into plenty of micro labours and its infiltration into every moment of life.
Thématique, développement (article) <3
Slow up your computer #hack
Gagner du temps ( sketch Jerry Seinfeld ) #fun
Book, Publication, with Onomatopee, #2019
Entrepreneur or precarious worker? These are the terms of a cognitive dissonance that turns everyone’s life into a shaky project in perennial start-up phase. #@Silvio_Lorusso guides us through the entreprecariat, a world where change is natural and healthy, whatever it may bring. A world populated by motivational posters, productivity tools, mobile offices and self-help techniques. “A compelling and relentless j’accuse: debunking the social and political myths that push an increasing number of persons to perform in the entrepreneurship circus — with no safety nets.”
—£ #@Antonio_Casilli , author of En attendant les robots, #2019
L’essai vidéo met en scène la tension entre #travail_camouflé et #loisir_créatif. Les deux témoignages rendent compte pour le premier d’une approche de passionné tirant satisfaction de la reconnaissance de son talent par le géant de l’informatique, l’autre, plus critique, décelant une forme de #travail_déguisé : « je crois que cette fois on s’est vraiment bien fait avoir. Tout était tellement bien foutu, c’est ça, tellement bien foutu, qu’on ne savait même plus qu’on travaillait quand on travaillait… »
Date de réalisation : 2011
Vidéo HD, couleur, son, 7'41''
Réalisation : Julien Prévieux
Like many other machine vision datasets (e.g. ImageNet), Microsoft’s COCO image recognition dataset is based on photos culled from Flickr. The dataset’s true value derives from the 600.000+ segmentations manually created by #Mechanical_Turk crowd workers, based on those photos from Flickr. With Segmentation.Network I created a piece in which all segmentations are played back in a random order, making visible some of the manual labor that goes into building artificial intelligence.
exposition ++
via ::
.dead sur viméo :(
--> #@The_Internet_Archive :)
dans ce documentaire de la @BBC
de / #@Adam_Curtis / #2011
à partir de 7:10 jusqu'à 11:27 (intro)
regardez #@Loren_Carpenter
Pong experiment at /SIGGRAPH/ en #1991
Ce documentaire porte sur les constructions d'une idéologie cybernéticienne et la constitution du régime néo-libéral d'après guerre froide ... Il retrace entre autre les enjeux d'une contre-contre-culture visant à forcer l'adhésion d'une politique libérale débridée et ultra individualiste (dissolvant les pouvoirs étatiques socialistes).
Série documentaire composée de plusieurs épisodes :
Titre du poème de @Richard_Brautigan de #1967
On en trouve une...
- Lecture en anglais - Une interprétation sur la BO du documentaire avec petit dessin animé <3 : - Playliste sur Spotify