@Eva_Franco_Mattes en #2015
"A series of video installations about internet content moderators. Contrary to popular belief, the removal of offensive material from the Internet is not carried out by sophisticated algorithms. It is the nerve-wracking, demanding job of thousands of anonymous human beings: people disguised as algorithms.
We have interviewed one hundred moderators, and created videos in which avatars with computer-generated voices speak in their place, recounting memories about content they removed from the web, including pornography, sexual solicitation, racism.
The six episodes were released periodically only on the Darknet. To watch them download the Tor http://5cqzpj5d6ljxqsj7.onion ( #.dead ) " #dn_tor_onion #.onion
2ep. (/6) sur YT
à la //Kunst Halle St. Gallen #2014
"There is a parallel world beneath the surface of the Internet: the Darknet is an encrypted, invisible network that cannot be accessed by conventional browsers or search engines but is nevertheless used by millions. This digital territory is the impulse for cooperation between the artist collective !Mediengruppe Bitnik, the project :digital brainstorming from Migros-Kulturprozent and Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen."
« The Darknet –
From Memes to Onionland.
An Exploration »
In cooperation with !Mediengruppe Bitnik and :digital brainstorming
Blog sur les réseaux cryptés-darknets
le hacking, les tech,
tor, du NSFW, des actus d'actu .
. en anglais .
In #2008 , the science-fiction movie Sleep Dealer by Alex Rivera envisioned a future which couldn’t be more timely: the border between Mexico und the US has been closed. Therefore, immigrant workers in the US have been replaced by robots. However, these robots are remotely controlled by people in Mexico who have their bodies plugged directly into the network.
Humans As Software Extensions
- Being Universally Addressable and Programmable
- Managing My Extensions
- The Total Freedom of Survival Creativity
- The Future of Work is a Lot of Work
- Seizing the Means of Magic
- Covert Interventions
- An Aesthetic of Detachment
Before the Internet, it would be really difficult to find someone, sit them down for ten minutes and get them to work for you, and then fire them after those ten minutes. But with technology, you can actually find them, pay them the tiny amount of money, and then get rid of them when you don’t need them anymore.
@via http://sebastianschmieg.com/how-to-appear-offline-forever/
#online_création :
.dead (not) ->
Les passages secrets du web
Les annuaires
- Marijn’s Linkroll <3*
- Peelo Paalu Link Directory
- href.cool <3**
Pourquoi nous avons besoin d’annuaires ?
Les moteur de recherches
Les webrings - Hotline Webring
- xxiivv
- Weird Wide Webring
👁️🗨️ Nous avons besoin de sites perso
Les agrégateurs
Le futur - Beaker Browser
Archive - Internet Archive
- réflexions au sujet de “Les passages secrets du web”
M'a mené vers >>
Vous êtes observé. Des organisations privées et soutenues par les états surveillent et enregistrent vos activités en ligne. Privacy Tools fournit des connaissances et des outils pour protéger votre vie privée contre la surveillance de masse globale.
alt.homepage (eng) :: https://privacytools.io
Annuaire du Libre
= Alternatives logiciel
= Culture, livres, revues
= Matériel-composants électroniques
Ce collectif vise à rassembler des structures proposant des services en ligne libres, éthiques et décentralisés afin de permettre aux utilisateur⋅ices de trouver rapidement des alternatives respectueuses de leurs données et de leur vie privée aux services proposés par les #GAFAM_NATU (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft). CHATONS est un collectif initié par l'association Framasoft en #2016 suite au succès de sa campagne Dégooglisons Internet.
<3 https://framasoft.org
"Refusez les programmes de surveillance des données comme PRISM, XKeyscore et Tempora.
Nous avons tous le droit à la vie privée dès maintenant en chiffrant nos communications et en mettant fin à notre dépendance à l'égard des services propriétaires."
Alt ( #.dead )
Crowdsourced software recommendations
( site d'alternatives logicielles pour trouver la perle rare ou qui marche sur votre vieux PC ou nouveau Linux )
In 59 Categories,
Spanning The Top 348,565 Projects
Social Media 📦 27
Web Servers 📦 26
Mathematics 📦 55
Text Editors 📦 49
Blockchain 📦 73
Software Development 📦 72
Remembering onions #2017 ( avec #@Roger_Dingledine (où?, ajouter.ref) )
" Over the years the Tor community has come up with various ways of handling these large and non-human-memorable onion addresses. Some people memorize them entirely or scribe them into secret notebooks, others use tattoos, third-party centralized directories or just google them everytime. We've heard of people using decks of cards to remember their favorite onion sites, and others who memorize them using the position of stars and the moon. "
What is BGP?
BGP is the protocol that makes the Internet work. ///Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) submits data across the internet and is responsible for selecting the best route from all the available paths that data can travel, which usually means hopping between autonomous systems.
BGP is not perfect
The Protocol on which the Internet is built is outdated
BGP is now 20+ years old.
Derière ce projet, Syntropynet
"Syntropy is an open project providing next-generation connectivity technology for the Internet."
En #français #cours #internet :
. un BGP par blockchaine !
. Répondre à l'hyper communication actuelle...
Token vendu sur Coinbase...
. Space-sharing, partage de HDD (P2P, localiste, data-center partout)
J'aime beaucoup ce que nous raconte les artistes dans cette vidéo
Elle révelle surtout la géométrie variable avec laquelle les "Darknets" sont traité... ou plutôt le principe de l' #obfu_secret fondamental aux banques et super-marchés connectés.
De tous ces espaces fermés, heureusement secrtes-privés...
ces réseaux réservés qui appartienet au DeepWeb parcequ'effectivement on ne peut les indexer, en tirer des données (au moins de la part de la concurence et certains #bot_scraper ( on omet un peu vite les traitements de données internes aux entreprises qui voudraient faire fructifier les données dormantes ou darkdatas... ). Mais oui, en effet le bot de Gogle ne va pas où il veut et c'est bien comme ça.
Bon bin des fois l'errreurrr est humaine et les portes s'ouvrent...
Que se passe t il quand on laisse les clefs de son compte banquaire à Internet ?
Quand on fait de cet espace symboliquement le plus privé et sécurisé, un espace de #intrusion_vulnérabilité volontaire ? Un #espace_public dans le #cyber_espace ? C'est ce que nous racontent ces deux artistes.
@Ferenc_Gróf and @Jean-Baptiste_Naudy
installation pour les RIAM 06 à Marseille en #2009
alt.vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF1qPgM-WUo
( leur site est .dead http://www.societerealiste.net )
Some resources on CAPTCHAs to read further, including scientific papers, patents, articles and books on artificial intelligence, computing, Turing tests, digital labor and cognitive extractivism. Along the lines of the article, by retro-engineering the system, you can sharpen your skills of behaving like a robot.
"In #2012 the Carna #botnet was built and unleashed on the world. But it didn’t have any intentions on doing anything malicious. It was built just to help us all understand the Internet better. This botnet used the oldest security vulnerability in the book. And the data that came out of it was amazing.
The Carna botnet was used to scan the internet to create a map of where all the public facing computer are in the world. The map it created is remarkable."
PING MAP (#2011 ...)
PING MAP is a world map that uses network access time as its unit of measure. Whereas internet giants are gradually dominating states’ powers, information superhighways and default web portals are in the process of conditioning a new hierarchy in information flows and mapping out a landscape that is specific to the Internet. PING MAP invites us to reconsider in a poetic and technical manner the very notion of world geography in the era of the Internet, //high_frequency_trading, submarine cables and other forms of automated routing.
Set against this //digital backdrop, the main measure of distance simply becomes the transmission time between servers and terminals. The new territorial and spatial structure formed by these digital transits reconfigures the positions of the countries of the world by projecting the better connected territories to the centre of an ever denser map and by forcing the slowest, most fragile and instable territories to the edges of the map, thereby forming a connectivity ghetto of sorts.
- Echo Protocol - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_Protocol - Round-trip delay time — Wikipédia
via https://www.are.na/block/989331
via https://anthology.rhizome.org/simple-net-art-diagram :
( MTAA, Simple Net Art Diagram, ca. 1997. Animated GIF. )
Please draw a map of the internet, as you see it. Indicate your “home.”
STP dessine moi une carte d'internet, comme tu le_la vois. Indique ta maison ( hôte demeure chez_soi )
Your age __________
Your occupation _____________________
Average number of hours per day on the internet ___________
Return to Kevin Kelly ...
Certaines références au post-it de la #NSA ...
>> https://mappa.mundi.net/maps/maps_010/