Vous êtes observé. Des organisations privées et soutenues par les états surveillent et enregistrent vos activités en ligne. Privacy Tools fournit des connaissances et des outils pour protéger votre vie privée contre la surveillance de masse globale.
alt.homepage (eng) :: https://privacytools.io
"Refusez les programmes de surveillance des données comme PRISM, XKeyscore et Tempora.
Nous avons tous le droit à la vie privée dès maintenant en chiffrant nos communications et en mettant fin à notre dépendance à l'égard des services propriétaires."
Alt ( #.dead )
Google Captchas
Spying and detect false humains
How to ? It's secret for good...
How the Net Works
Standards for identifying devices on the network
Domain names and IP addresses
Protocols for sending information through the network
Following your information on the Internet - the journey
"Can you hear me?"
Hello #NSA , hello GCHQ. Berlin speaking here.
¥ Antennas on the Academy of Arts in Berlin
Messages can be sent to the intelligence agencies on the frequencies that are intercepted by the #NSA and #GCHQ. An independent mesh network in Berlin's Government District recaptured the virtual communication space. A collective conversation space in which all have equal rights has been taking the space of secret wiretapping.
http://www.statemachines.eu/projects/708/ =
“I have not tried to write the history of that language (A/N the language of psychiatry) but, rather, the archeology of that silence.”
M. Foucault, Madness and Civilization, #1961
Artists #@Christoph_Wachter and #@Mathias_Jud have been paying special attention to the different forms of silence that prevail on the Internet. With their work, they aim to undermine power structures while also developing tools and systems of communication for those in need. They uncover network mechanisms, expose cases of censorship and surveillance, and embrace infrastructural literacy as a response to the dominance of today’s network ( #2017 )
Via https://www.wachter-jud.net/Can-you-hear-me.html?r9t_locale=en
Au programme de #@State_Machines ( #thématique_revue ) ...
0n retrouve : #@The_Critical_Engineering_Working_Group et #@Aksioma #<3
#2018 Rather than gathering information in bulk, CDR collects communications metadata of specific surveillance targets and individuals with one or #two_degrees_of_separation (called “two hops”) from targets. But this newer system appears to be no more effective than its predecessor and is highly damaging to constitutional rights.
When Edward Snowden met journalists in his cramped room in Hong Kong's Mira hotel in June, his mission was ambitious. Amid the clutter of laundry, meal trays and his four laptops, he wanted to start a debate about mass surveillance.
He succeeded beyond anything the journalists or Snowden himself ever imagined. His disclosures about the NSA resonated with Americans from day one. But they also exploded round the world.
For some, like Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, it is a vitally important issue, one of the biggest of our time: nothing less than the defence of democracy in the digital age.
cut :: https://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/oct/28/nsa-files-decoded-hops
Exhibition at #Aksioma,
Installation, #2019
Hyperemployment, curated by //#·Domenico_Quaranta
“Labour – one of the defining aspects of our capitalistic societies – is also one of the sides of contemporary life that has been more affected by technological innovations and by the advent of post-Fordism. Although increasing automation has actually caused many forms of human labour to disappear, it has not – as many thinkers have predicted – brought an end to labour. Instead, it has led to – together with other innovations, such as the rise of device culture and social networks – its fragmentation into plenty of micro labours and its infiltration into every moment of life.
Thématique, développement (article)
https://networkcultures.org/entreprecariat/shouldnt-you-be-working/ <3
Slow up your computer #hack
Gagner du temps ( sketch Jerry Seinfeld ) #fun
# Article à ce sujet ( anglais )
We are part of the privileged third of the world’s population that has access to the Internet. Teams at Facebook and Google are working on projects to build swarms of solar powered drones and balloons that would allow more people to connect to the Internet and take part in digital life. How to Appear Offline Forever explores visibility, labour and colonialism in a networked world, taking the endeavours of Internet drones as the starting point for intertwined stories happening in different places. [...]
Commissioned by #@Abandon_Normal_Devices
https://www.andfestival.org.uk <3
This channel is back in "good standing", so here's Surveillance Camera Man 1-8. Everything is here except the old-man-eating-fries shot from SCM 7, which is considered copyright infringment by Google and SME for the song playing in the background on the radio.
.dead sur viméo :(
--> #@The_Internet_Archive :)
- https://vimeo.com/groups/96331/videos/80799353
- https://archive.org/details/BBC.All.Watched.Over.by.Machines.of.Loving.Grace.3of3.Monkey.in.the.Machine.PDTV
dans ce documentaire de la @BBC
de / #@Adam_Curtis / #2011
à partir de 7:10 jusqu'à 11:27 (intro)
regardez #@Loren_Carpenter
Pong experiment at /SIGGRAPH/ en #1991
Ce documentaire porte sur les constructions d'une idéologie cybernéticienne et la constitution du régime néo-libéral d'après guerre froide ... Il retrace entre autre les enjeux d'une contre-contre-culture visant à forcer l'adhésion d'une politique libérale débridée et ultra individualiste (dissolvant les pouvoirs étatiques socialistes).
Série documentaire composée de plusieurs épisodes :
Titre du poème de @Richard_Brautigan de #1967
On en trouve une...
- Lecture en anglais
https://vimeo.com/328499465 - Une interprétation sur la BO du documentaire avec petit dessin animé <3 :
https://vimeo.com/89501508 - Playliste sur Spotify