fake deepfake
en voir d'autres, chats, machines...
via https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/flash-fictions-open-call
"Within the Terms and Conditions’ is a part of a new form of practice of mine that I describe as ‘expanded documentary.’ I’m both an artist and a researcher; I’ve been researching online harassment, digital violence, and human rights in technology since 2013, and I’ve been making art for even longer. I’m interested in the ephemera of people, current events and communities, and this includes digital content. Memes, screen grabs, and ripped YouTube videos may seem like unusual topics for photojournalism and contemporary art, partly because the Web is already such a flat and image-focused space. However, this work lends itself well to expanded documentary; it’s a bit like taking a camera within the different corners of the Internet and documenting what is there. As an artist, I take the web seriously as a place where people live and events unfold because online life is real life, too. The phrase “it’s just the Internet, it’s not real life” minimises that digital harm but it is also a phrase I heard being repeated many times in my research, from online harassment videos to reactionist videos posted by white supremacists after the failed coup in the United States capital on 6 January, 2021 ."
note : parle aussi de TERFs and anti-trans rhetoric (terme ajouté à bulle)
A project by @Joana_Moll 2021
COVID-19 crisis has exposed a massive social, ecological, political, and economic systemic failure. Even though the causes and consequences of this crisis are highly complex and profound, we’ve been repeatedly told that it can be solved with yet another app. This technical problem-solving approach is commonly known as techno-solutionism. Techno-solutionism tends to simplify and obfuscate the several realities that trigger the particular problems that it’s trying to fix; it simply doesn’t cope with problems. Even though it’s been demonstrated that techno-solutionism doesn’t work when it comes to fixing highly complex events, such as the current global pandemic, it is once again enthusiastically embraced as the only possible answer to a critical situation. But who is defining and implementing these technological fixes?
https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/imaginingnetworks #<3
.dead => https://web.archive.org/web/20210626174703/https://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/imaginingnetworks
part of ( 2022 )
œuvres / pièces
https://www.janavirgin.com ( site de l'artiste )
. . .
Le @CSNI est un site ressources / processus.créa.art
" During the mandate, Lara will explore the intersections between ironic and informative usage of Internet. She will conduct a series of interviews and create a digital archive of ‘Weird Web’ examples. "
" I first came across the term ‘Weird Web’ on It's Nice That in an article written by coder and artist Neal Agarwal. He describes an early form of the internet before its monetisation and intense focus on clicks and social media. He describes this former internet as ‘a place where online creators expressed themselves through interactive content, games & experiments. It was a place that brought delight & joy.’ I believe that if you look hard enough, you might just find that the weird web lives on today. "
" According to psychologist and professor Larry Rosen , ‘We willingly push any and every button because we hope that it provides a squirt of dopamine for pleasure.’ And so, you will likely find yourself clicking the tantalising Useless Web button and BOOM a whole digital world of uselessness explodes (or rather, is opened tab by tab in your browser bar). Each time you press the button you’ll be taken to a different domain which hosts creative, silly and seemingly pointless content. " nudge
" One of the main people that spurred my interest in useless websites was an artist called @Rafaël_Rozendaal who has been an internet artist forever, well longer than I’ve known about internet art. He is one of the original internet artists. "
Originally published on: theweirderweb.xyz [DEAD] "
A conversation with @Tim_Holman ( w/ @Lara_Chapman ) 2012 2019
via "Partir en vadrouille" + Pushing Useless Buttons [ Bulle ]
https://www.opte.org/the-internet/ ( timelapse vidéo 1997 - 2021 )
https://www.submarinecablemap.com ( câbles sous-marins )
https://liens.vincent-bonnefille.fr/?fuNIdg ( illegal map of internet Carnabot 2012 )
Des cartes d'internet (par contenus-communautés) chez XKCD
Cartes par plages IPv4 IPv6
https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/865:_Nanobots (limite ipv6)
@Darknet_Diaries ( podcast )
https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/13/ hypothesis
"While playing around with the Nmap Scripting Engine_ (NSE) we discovered an amazing number of open embedded devices on the Internet. Many of them are based on Linux and allow login to standard BusyBox with empty or default credentials. We used these devices to build a distributed port scanner to scan all IPv4 addresses. These scans include service probes for the most common ports, ICMP ping, reverse DNS and SYN scans. We analyzed some of the data to get an estimation of the IP address usage.
All data gathered during our research is released into the public domain for further study. "
Carte interactive
http://census2012.sourceforge.net/hilbert/index.html -
Paper (intro)
https://census2012.sourceforge.net/paper.html -
paper (étude)
https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=ccc3f8ae7e9bdfadc98d17b731e3a85f2c4834bb -
archive :
Adresses IP
( et masques de sous-réseau )
https://www.frameip.com/masques-de-sous-reseau/ hypothesis
Une adresse IP divisée en 2 parties
cest le masque de sous réseau qui rend distinct les 2)
la première (avec des bit 1 => contient le réseau)
la seconde (avec des bit 0 => id unique d'une machine sur ce réseau)l’adresse IP est une suite de 4 octets, soit 32 bits. Chacun des ces bits peut prendre la valeur 1 ou 0. Et bien il nous suffit de dire que les bits à 1 représenteront la partie réseau de l’adresse, et les bits à 0 la partie machine
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octet hypothesis
En informatique, un octet est un multiplet de 8 bits codant une information1. Dans ce système de codage s'appuyant sur le système binaire, un octet permet de représenter 2^8 (2puissance8) nombres, soit 256 valeurs différentes.
IP ->
Calcul nombre total :
En y regardant d’un peu plus près, on peut calculer le nombre de machines que l’on peut identifier à l’aide de cet adressage. Ainsi, on utilise 4 octets, soit 32 bits, soit encore 2^32 adresses (2 exposant 32 adresses) Or 2^32 = 4 294 967 296, on peut donc définir un peu plus de 4 milliards d’adresses !!!
CAIRN (leur attribution)
(1) Chercheurs en sécurité trouvent qu'un grand nombre de machines ont le port Telnet ouvert
(1a) Nmap : https://www.kali.org/tools/nmap/
(1b) qu'ils sont peu sécurésés avec un pwd par défaut
(2) Ils décident de répliquer à grande échelle l'experience ( illégale )
=> Augmenter le nombre de ces machines
( = les hacker ==> pouvoir y installer d'autres logiciels que ceux du constructeur )
(3) Ils se rendent compte du grand nombre de machines = 40000+
( 420,000 systems )
(3b) Ils auraient pu en faire une armée de bot => attaque DDOS
(4) Ils décident d'utiliser ce super pouvoir pour :
(4a) - faire une photographie du réseau
càd - de toutes les connexions IP qui répondent au pings
//// un projet a grande échelle avec une lourde logistique + adaptabilité
///// + éthique , ils décident de ne pas s'attaquer à certaines infra
///// + d'user un minimum d'énergie
==> de sauvegarder ces données
==> ( 3.6 billion==milliard IPs )
(4b) de débusquer un virus ( Aidra ) présent sur "leurs" machines
== Aidra 30,000 /sur les/ 420,000 Cara
+ prévenir les usagers des routeurs mal sécurisés
(4c) d'en faire la spatialité / map / visualisation
. . .
? pourquoi Hilbert Curve
? passer entre toutes les plages d'IP ( masques de sous-réseaux )
: Courbe de remplissage
fr : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courbe_remplissante
eng : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-filling_curve
-> git tool https://github.com/measurement-factory/ipv4-heatmap
( APNIC : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia-Pacific_Network_Information_Center )
- git Carabot TLDs
https://github.com/decal/werdlists/blob/master/dns-toplevel/carna-botnet-tlds.txt - .apple
Articles ( hypothesis )
- DarknetDiaries ( podcast )
https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/13/ hypothesis - Researcher sets up illegal 420,000 node botnet for IPv4 internet map • The Register
https://www.theregister.com/2013/03/19/carna_botnet_ipv4_internet_map/ - Hacker Measures the Internet Illegally with Carna Botnet - DER SPIEGEL
- Internet Identifier Consumption (IIC) - CAIDA
https://www.caida.org/archive/id-consumption/ - IPv4 Census Map - CAIDA
https://xkcd.com/195/ (map and grass not used parts)
https://xkcd.com/865/ ( nano bots en manque d'IP(v4) )
- 865: Nanobots - explain xkcd
https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/865:_Nanobots - 802: Online Communities 2 - explain xkcd
https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/802:_Online_Communities_2 - 195: Map of the Internet - explain xkcd map_carte GAFAM
Breaches / Vulnerabilities
- https://www.shodan.io
- https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks/
@Nicolas_Maigret avait produit une carte de la distance entre les points/villes du monde
musique and... folow the crowd of cursors
Espace web infini Hotglue
alternativeto : EtherPad (,;
"Your World of Text is an infinite grid of text editable by any visitor. The changes made by other people appear on your screen as they happen. Everyone starts in the same place, but you can scroll through the world using your mouse."
https://www.yourworldoftext.com/~vincentb/ ( projet_perso )
https://elmcip.net/creative-work/your-world-text ( Recherche, litterature 2.0 )
`-. U P E R cool folder-architectured co-www-exhibition index page ftp ( 2020 )
@the_wrong : digital art biennale https://thewrong.org
the squatted.online embassy reflects on the possibilities of squatting a digital space ♦ in the context of our exhibition, we try to look at the internet as an architectural space where each webpage is a building ♦
https://squatted.online/squat/mailbox/call-for-artists.html : 2019 :
Back in 2003 , Steven Johnson [1] highlighted some of the major aspects of the internet by describing it as a city. Indeed, the web has been built and experienced by many people; wide participation has fueled its growth, yet this interconnection is cordoned into parts, each retaining its own independence.[...] For this reason, algorithms on social media, or any other kind of tracking algorithms, act as a reminder that the promise of a free internet has evolved into a powerful surveillance tool.
Edit javascript into a html page with `eval()`...
Some strange blank pages with strange links in source code
An happy messy place
txt interessant sur le cyber-squatting, ses limites (et contradictions)
Electro + eZine édition_zine
via : https://www.are.na/minkyoung-kim/low-tech-network
1 Websites are places. They provide services and social environments. Like architecture, they distribute access and atmospheric context to these resources: Watching a video on Nowness is different from watching a video on YouTube.
2 Websites are inherently public. Architecture is by nature a public discipline. Both buildings and websites are built realities. They are part of the fabric of societies that are now both physical and virtual.
3 Websites are inhabited. They become part of societies through the interactions they enable. They are homes to communities, to thoughts and approaches. They may be privately owned and operated, but inhabited and used by the public. As buildings, websites are where we spend our lives.
4 Websites are local, despite their distributed nature. Websites adhere to culturally established patterns, languages and user expectations in similar ways architecture does. Buying an onigiri from a 7-11 branch is different from buying a pretzel from a Bavarian bakery.
Ce sont aussi des réseaux sociaux.
Des manifestations d’opposant Hong Kongais ou de gilets jaunes, des mariages, des défilés de mode pour Animal_Crossing .
Par exemple, le premier métavers à s’être fait connaître du grand public est Second_Life .
En septembre 2007 à cause de la crise des subprimes qui affectent également les banques du jeu, d’une lassitude parce que l’univers devient trop complexe et redondant, et la montée de Facebook jugé plus simple, Seconde_Life devient de plus en plus déserté, jusqu’à ne plus attirer grand monde.
- Nintendo détient Animal_Crossing
- Epic_Games détient Fortnite
- Microsoft détient Minecraft
- Facebook détient Horizon "
"Le jeu défini par le Générateur poïétique* se déroule à l’intérieur d’une matrice à deux dimensions comme les jeux de tabliers et son principe s'inspire de celui du jeu_de_la_vie et des cadavres exquis des surréalistes. Le Générateur poïétique s’écarte néanmoins de ces modèles sur plusieurs points. Ce n'est pas un algorithme de type Conway, mais bien des joueurs humains qui contrôlent en temps réel les éléments graphiques de la matrice globale"
"L'appellation « Générateur poïétique », qui dérive du concept d'autopoïèse** en sciences du vivant, et de celui de poïétique* en philosophie de l'art, traduit le processus d’auto-organisation à l’œuvre dans l'émergence continue de l'image globale. Depuis son origine, le Générateur poïétique a été conçu par son auteur comme un élément d'une recherche-action*** [...]"
* https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poïétique
** https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopoïèse
*** https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recherche-action
->> Recherche-action
"La recherche-action (ou recherche-intervention, ou encore recherche-expérimentation) est une démarche et une méthodologie de recherche scientifique qui vise à mener en parallèle et de manière intriquée l'acquisition de connaissances scientifiques et des actions concrètes et transformatrices sur le terrain."
::::: en image gif 2000 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Générateur_Poïétique._Enregistrment_d'une_expérience_sur_le_web,_festival_X-00_(2000).gif?uselang=fr
:::::: pour participer en ligne
/ | _____/ /__________ ____ ____ _____/ /_
/ /| | / ___/ __/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/
/ ___ |(__ ) /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_
/_/ |_/____/\__/_/ \____/ .___/\____/_/ \__/
__HyperWeb 5D - Metavers Numérique centré sur l'Humain__
Mesh decentralized Unified P2P Fat Protocol Layer. Connectors between Libre Money, ScuttleButt, IPFS, ... Salamalec between Nodes and Human.
c'est quoi?
Le rêve d'un Internet sans GAFAM_NATU , sans Datacenter. Hébergé et opéré par nous tous... Un réseau asynchrone, anoptique, qui fonctionne par ami d'ami ( P2P Anoptikon ).
It is autonomous, doesn't need permanent connectivity and is Human centered ONLY. It behaves like The " BLOB creature "
https://git.p2p.legal/axiom-team/astroport/src/branch/master/ANA/01.home/default.fr.md >>>
Né dans les 70s de l'idée d'interconnecter les ordinateurs de la planète, colonisé par les marchands, les banques et les publicitaires, le réseau des réseaux ne ressemble aucunement au système d'information planétaire (IP) imaginé à l'époque! L'architecture client / serveur préférablement choisie aura donné naissance aux autoroutes et aux fermes de données (datacenters) actuelles. Consommatrices de ressources,
ces Forteresses exfiltrent nos données et petit à petit nous entraînent vers leur " Cloud " Privé Global. L'exploitation de nos données personnelles y est intensive pour notre bien-être et notre sécurité, en échange de la "gratuité" de leur services. Vous pensiez ne pas avoir le choix? Sachez que l'alternative Gratuite et Libre existe !!
!!!! "P2P" / Web 4D / Anoptikon Blockchains Personnelles + IPFS + SSB
1 Any Browser ( www navigateur_browser )
2 Tor Browser ( dn_tor_onion #.onion )
3 Beaker Browser ( dn_dat )
1 = http://olia.lialina.work/self-portrait
2 = http://bn2lik7torbun6z2.onion
3 = hyper://a81117c7c60d9df7602ad62b265c6f7f034b40b17abbbcd7ab55dbb701fd2e7e/
@Olia_Lialina, 2018
- exposition, supports audio, visite en 3D... @Espace_Mediagantner
une présence sur d'autres réseaux, par d'autres protocoles
H3K (Basel) lui attribue un prix ...
"Winner of the net based award 2018 : @Olia_Lialina, "Self-Portrait"
With Self-Portrait, Olia Lialina continues her series of “networked” portraits, which explores the relationship between the work and its technological context, highlighting the ever-changing network conditions and our position within this one. After having played with variations in speed of transmission on the web (Summer, 2013 ) and having questioned the consequences of an abandonment of net neutrality (Best Effort Network, 2015 ), Olia Lialina invites us with her latest work to think of the web in its various dimensions, beyond its best-known public face. To contemplate this self-portrait, not less than three web browsers are required: a classic browser ( firefox , Chrome, Safari, etc.), an anonymised and secure browser (Tor) and a “peer-to-peer” browser (Beaker).
By juxtaposing these three windows open onto different parts of the network, we can recompose the fragmented face of the artist whose hair is blowing in the wind with ever so slight discrep-ancies in the movement"
Original website http://www.no-home-like-place.com [DEAD]
--> Git https://nonlinearnarrative.github.io/no-home-like-place/
Airbnb is a global hotel filled with the same recurring items. Bed, chair, potted plant, all catered to our cosmopolitan sensibilities. We end up in a place that's completely interchangeable; a room is a room is a room.
An algorithm finds these recurring items and replaces them with the same items from other listings. By clicking them, you can jump between rooms and explore the global hotel. There are many homelike places.
You can find the source code for the various tools we created and used to make this website on Github.
Outcome of a week-long web scraping workshop led by Jonathan Puckey at Non-Linear Narrative, a masters programme at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. "
GIT : https://github.com/nonlinearnarrative/no-home-like-place
GIT : https://github.com/nonlinearnarrative/scrape-airbnb ( scrape-airbnb )
Cours : Master @Non_Linear_Narrative :
( @Royal_academy_of_art_the_hague )
" Led by @Jonathan_Puckey " :
https://puckey.studio UX
( où il relate des projets aussi fun que pointer-pointer [Bulle] )
Je l'ai aussi retrouvé ici https://work.bnjmnearl.eu/projects/no-home-like-place/
( un site d'artiste web.créatif ... avec plein de projets fun )
Étrange de redécouvrir cet appartement infini en cette ère du covid
A project by @Joana_Moll
" Typically, a tracker is a piece of code placed within a particular website that allows to monitor and collect data on user behavior. For instance: a tracker can automatically know where a user is based, which computer they’re using, which sites have been visited before accessing a particular site, and which webpages will be accessed in the future – among other more detailed and personal information. The US is currently enforcing embargoes and sanctions against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Ukrainian region of Crimea. "
" This project has been developed as part of the web residency program — Blowing the Whistle, Questioning Evidence - curated by Tatiana Bazichelli for Solitude & ZKM. "
Web résidence du ZKM
J'aime beaucoup ce projet,
la mise en valeur des données, le scraping avec tor
- Crée de la confusion à l'endroit de la propriété des données et de l'information
à l'endroit des États représenté en ligne www - Ils ont en communs d'avoir leur code "occupé" par Google, en "sortant"
- Cela pose des questions de gouvernance #.p
quotes ( homepage project )
" a tracker can automatically know where a user is based, which computer they’re using, which sites have been visited before accessing a particular site "
" American IT giant, have been found within several websites owned by countries under US embargo "
" US is currently enforcing embargoes and sanctions against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and the Ukrainian region of Crimea "
" It is important to remember that these websites are stored inside hard disks placed in physical territories "
" "ALGORITHMS ALLOWED" unfolds as an ongoing investigation that reveals the many US tracking and online services embedded in websites representing US embargoed countries, thereby exposing the ambiguous relationship between code, public policy, geopolitics, economics, and power in the age of algorithmic governance. "
"Offshore Investigation Vehicle by the //Demystification_Committee was developed within the framework of the Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research 2017 . The ongoing art and research project takes the shape of an international corporate structure spanning three oceans, set up to model and explore offshore finance. For the shareholders it operates at once as a guide and a shield: not only does it provide access to a hidden world of knowledge and opportunities; it also guarantees the secrecy of the actions undertaken there."
Index : https://nnn.freeport.global
Infos / intro
: https://datadating.tacticaltech.org
Bases de données / Contextes
: https://datadating.tacticaltech.org/viz
"In May 2017 Tactical Tech and artist @Joana_Moll purchased 1 million online dating profiles for 136€ from USDate, a supposedly US-based company that trades in dating profiles from all over the globe. The batch of dating profiles we purchased included pictures (almost 5 million of them), usernames, e-mail addresses, nationality, gender, age and detailed personal information about all of the people who had created the profiles, such as their sexual orientation, interests, profession, thorough physical characteristics and personality traits. Purchasing this data exposed a vast network of companies that are capitalising on this information without the conscious consent of the users, whom ultimately are the ones being exploited."
Me fait penser à https://liens.vincent-bonnefille.fr/?bWkaUg
No Home Like Place - ce côté intrusif et esthétique du glitch_shading
In 2008 , the science-fiction movie Sleep Dealer by Alex Rivera envisioned a future which couldn’t be more timely: the border between Mexico und the US has been closed. Therefore, immigrant workers in the US have been replaced by robots. However, these robots are remotely controlled by people in Mexico who have their bodies plugged directly into the network.
Humans As Software Extensions
- Being Universally Addressable and Programmable
- Managing My Extensions
- The Total Freedom of Survival Creativity
- The Future of Work is a Lot of Work
- Seizing the Means of Magic
- Covert Interventions
- An Aesthetic of Detachment
Before the Internet, it would be really difficult to find someone, sit them down for ten minutes and get them to work for you, and then fire them after those ten minutes. But with technology, you can actually find them, pay them the tiny amount of money, and then get rid of them when you don’t need them anymore.
@via http://sebastianschmieg.com/how-to-appear-offline-forever/
online_création :
.dead (not) ->